Package ogr
Module providing one api for multiple git services (github/gitlab/pagure)
def get_instances_from_dict(instances: dict) ‑> set[GitService]
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def get_instances_from_dict(instances: dict) -> set[GitService]: """ Load the service instances from the dictionary in the following form: - `key` : hostname, url or name that can be mapped to the service-type - `value` : dictionary with arguments used when creating a new instance of the service (passed to the `__init__` method) e.g.: ```py get_instances_from_dict({ "": {"token": "abcd"}, "pagure": { "token": "abcd", "instance_url": "", }, }) == { GithubService(token="abcd"), PagureService(token="abcd", instance_url="") } ``` When the mapping `key->service-type` is not recognised, you can add a `type` key to the dictionary and specify the type of the instance. (It can be either name, hostname or url. The used mapping is same as for key->service-type.) The provided `key` is used as an `instance_url` and passed to the `__init__` method as well. e.g.: ```py get_instances_from_dict({ "https://my.gtlb": {"token": "abcd", "type": "gitlab"}, }) == {GitlabService(token="abcd", instance_url="https://my.gtlb")} ``` Args: instances: Mapping from service name/url/hostname to attributes for the service creation. Returns: Set of the service instances. """ services = set() for key, value in instances.items(): service_kls = get_service_class_or_none(url=key) if not service_kls: if "type" not in value: raise OgrException( f"No matching service was found for url '{key}'. " f"Add the service name as a `type` attribute.", ) service_type = value["type"] if service_type not in _SERVICE_MAPPING: raise OgrException( f"No matching service was found for type '{service_type}'.", ) service_kls = _SERVICE_MAPPING[service_type] value.setdefault("instance_url", key) del value["type"] service_instance = service_kls(**value) services.add(service_instance) return services
Load the service instances from the dictionary in the following form:
: hostname, url or name that can be mapped to the service-typevalue
: dictionary with arguments used when creating a new instance of the service (passed to the__init__
get_instances_from_dict({ "": {"token": "abcd"}, "pagure": { "token": "abcd", "instance_url": "", }, }) == { GithubService(token="abcd"), PagureService(token="abcd", instance_url="") }
When the mapping
is not recognised, you can add atype
key to the dictionary and specify the type of the instance. (It can be either name, hostname or url. The used mapping is same as for key->service-type.)The provided
is used as aninstance_url
and passed to the__init__
method as well.e.g.:
get_instances_from_dict({ "https://my.gtlb": {"token": "abcd", "type": "gitlab"}, }) == {GitlabService(token="abcd", instance_url="https://my.gtlb")}
- Mapping from service name/url/hostname to attributes for the service creation.
Set of the service instances.
def get_project(url,
service_mapping_update: dict[str, type[GitService]] | None = None,
custom_instances: Iterable[GitService] | None = None,
force_custom_instance: bool = True,
**kwargs) ‑> GitProject-
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def get_project( url, service_mapping_update: Optional[dict[str, type[GitService]]] = None, custom_instances: Optional[Iterable[GitService]] = None, force_custom_instance: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> GitProject: """ Return the project for the given URL. Args: url: URL of the project, e.g. `""`. service_mapping_update: Custom mapping from service url/hostname (`str`) to service class. Defaults to no mapping. custom_instances: List of instances that will be used when creating a project instance. Defaults to `None`. force_custom_instance: Force picking a Git service from the `custom_instances` list, if there is any provided, raise an error if that is not possible. Defaults to `True`. **kwargs: Arguments forwarded to __init__ of the matching service. Returns: `GitProject` using the matching implementation. """ mapping = service_mapping_update.copy() if service_mapping_update else {} custom_instances = custom_instances or [] for instance in custom_instances: mapping[instance.hostname] = instance.__class__ kls = get_service_class(url=url, service_mapping_update=mapping) parsed_repo_url = parse_git_repo(url) service = None if custom_instances: for service_inst in custom_instances: if ( isinstance(service_inst, kls) and service_inst.hostname == parsed_repo_url.hostname ): service = service_inst break else: if force_custom_instance: raise OgrException( f"Instance of type {kls.__name__} " f"matching instance url '{url}' was not provided.", ) if not service: service = kls(instance_url=parsed_repo_url.get_instance_url(), **kwargs) return service.get_project_from_url(url=url)
Return the project for the given URL.
- URL of the project, e.g.
. service_mapping_update
Custom mapping from service url/hostname (
) to service class.Defaults to no mapping.
List of instances that will be used when creating a project instance.
Defaults to
. force_custom_instance
Force picking a Git service from the
list, if there is any provided, raise an error if that is not possible.Defaults to
. **kwargs
- Arguments forwarded to init of the matching service.
using the matching implementation. def get_service_class(url: str,
service_mapping_update: dict[str, type[GitService]] | None = None) ‑> type[GitService]-
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def get_service_class( url: str, service_mapping_update: Optional[dict[str, type[GitService]]] = None, ) -> type[GitService]: """ Get the matching service class from the URL. Args: url: URL of the project, e.g. `""`. service_mapping_update: Custom mapping from service url/hostname (str) to service class. Defaults to `None`. Returns: Matched class (subclass of `GitService`). """ service_kls = get_service_class_or_none( url=url, service_mapping_update=service_mapping_update, ) if service_kls: return service_kls raise OgrException("No matching service was found.")
Get the matching service class from the URL.
- URL of the project, e.g.
. service_mapping_update
Custom mapping from service url/hostname (str) to service class.
Defaults to
Matched class (subclass of
). def get_service_class_or_none(url: str,
service_mapping_update: dict[str, type[GitService]] | None = None) ‑> type[GitService] | None-
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def get_service_class_or_none( url: str, service_mapping_update: Optional[dict[str, type[GitService]]] = None, ) -> Optional[type[GitService]]: """ Get the matching service class from the URL. Args: url: URL of the project, e.g. `""`. service_mapping_update: Custom mapping from service url/hostname (`str`) to service class. Defaults to `None`. Returns: Matched class (subclass of `GitService`) or `None`. """ mapping = {} mapping.update(_SERVICE_MAPPING) if service_mapping_update: mapping.update(service_mapping_update) parsed_url = parse_git_repo(url) for service, service_kls in mapping.items(): if parse_git_repo(service).hostname in parsed_url.hostname: return service_kls return None
Get the matching service class from the URL.
- URL of the project, e.g.
. service_mapping_update
Custom mapping from service url/hostname (
) to service class.Defaults to
Matched class (subclass of
) orNone
class AuthMethod (*args, **kwds)
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class AuthMethod(str, Enum): tokman = "tokman" github_app = "github_app" token = "token"
str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.str() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.
- builtins.str
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var github_app
var token
var tokman
class ForgejoService (instance_url: str = '',
api_key: str | None = None,
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@use_for_service("forgejo") @use_for_service("") class ForgejoService(BaseGitService): version = "/api/v1" def __init__( self, instance_url: str = "", api_key: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() self.instance_url = instance_url + self.version self._token = f"token {api_key}" self._api = None @cached_property def api(self): return PyforgejoApi(base_url=self.instance_url, api_key=self._token) def get_project( # type: ignore[override] self, repo: str, namespace: str, **kwargs, ) -> "ForgejoProject": return ForgejoProject( repo=repo, namespace=namespace, service=self, **kwargs, ) @property def user(self) -> GitUser: return ForgejoUser(self) def project_create( self, repo: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "ForgejoProject": if namespace: new_repo = self.api.organization.create_org_repo( org=namespace, name=repo, description=description, ) else: new_repo = self.api.repository.create_current_user_repo( name=repo, description=description, ) return ForgejoProject( repo=repo, namespace=namespace, service=self, github_repo=new_repo, ) def get_project_from_url(self, url: str) -> "ForgejoProject": parsed_url = urlparse(url) path_parts = parsed_url.path.strip("/").split("/") if len(path_parts) < 2: raise OgrException(f"Invalid Forgejo URL: {url}") namespace = path_parts[0] repo = path_parts[1] return self.get_project(repo=repo, namespace=namespace)
- URL of the git forge instance.
Class variables
var version
Instance variables
var api
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@cached_property def api(self): return PyforgejoApi(base_url=self.instance_url, api_key=self._token)
Inherited members
class GithubService (token=None,
github_app_id: str | None = None,
github_app_private_key: str | None = None,
github_app_private_key_path: str | None = None,
tokman_instance_url: str | None = None,
github_authentication: GithubAuthentication = None,
max_retries: int | urllib3.util.retry.Retry = 1,
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@use_for_service("") class GithubService(BaseGitService): # class parameter could be used to mock Github class api github_class: type[github.Github] instance_url = "" def __init__( self, token=None, read_only=False, github_app_id: Optional[str] = None, github_app_private_key: Optional[str] = None, github_app_private_key_path: Optional[str] = None, tokman_instance_url: Optional[str] = None, github_authentication: GithubAuthentication = None, max_retries: Union[int, Retry] = 1, **kwargs, ): """ If multiple authentication methods are provided, they are prioritised: 1. Tokman 2. GithubApp 3. TokenAuthentication (which is also default one, that works without specified token) """ super().__init__() self.read_only = read_only self._default_auth_method = github_authentication self._other_auth_method: GithubAuthentication = None self._auth_methods: dict[AuthMethod, GithubAuthentication] = {} if isinstance(max_retries, Retry): self._max_retries = max_retries else: self._max_retries = Retry( total=int(max_retries), # Retry mechanism active for these HTTP methods: allowed_methods=["DELETE", "GET", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"], # Only retry on following HTTP status codes status_forcelist=[500, 503, 403, 401], raise_on_status=True, ) if not self._default_auth_method: self.__set_authentication( token=token, github_app_id=github_app_id, github_app_private_key=github_app_private_key, github_app_private_key_path=github_app_private_key_path, tokman_instance_url=tokman_instance_url, max_retries=self._max_retries, ) if kwargs: logger.warning(f"Ignored keyword arguments: {kwargs}") def __set_authentication(self, **kwargs): auth_methods = [ (Tokman, AuthMethod.tokman), (GithubApp, AuthMethod.github_app), (TokenAuthentication, AuthMethod.token), ] for auth_class, auth_name in auth_methods: auth_inst = auth_class.try_create(**kwargs) self._auth_methods[auth_name] = auth_inst if not self._default_auth_method: self._default_auth_method = auth_inst return None if self._default_auth_method else TokenAuthentication(None) def set_auth_method(self, method: AuthMethod): if self._auth_methods[method]:"Forced Github auth method to %s", method) self._other_auth_method = self._auth_methods[method] else: raise GithubAPIException( f"Choosen authentication method ({method}) is not available", ) def reset_auth_method(self):"Reset Github auth method to the default") self._other_auth_method = None @property def authentication(self): return self._other_auth_method or self._default_auth_method @property def github(self): return self.authentication.pygithub_instance def __str__(self) -> str: readonly_str = ", read_only=True" if self.read_only else "" arguments = f", github_authentication={self.authentication!s}{readonly_str}" if arguments: # remove the first '- ' arguments = arguments[2:] return f"GithubService({arguments})" def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: if not issubclass(o.__class__, GithubService): return False return ( self.read_only == o.read_only # type: ignore and self.authentication == o.authentication # type: ignore ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(str(self)) def get_project( self, repo=None, namespace=None, is_fork=False, **kwargs, ) -> "GithubProject": if is_fork: namespace = self.user.get_username() return GithubProject( repo=repo, namespace=namespace, service=self, read_only=self.read_only, **kwargs, ) def get_project_from_github_repository( self, github_repo: PyGithubRepository.Repository, ) -> "GithubProject": return GithubProject(, namespace=github_repo.owner.login, github_repo=github_repo, service=self, read_only=self.read_only, ) @property def user(self) -> GitUser: return GithubUser(service=self) def change_token(self, new_token: str) -> None: self._default_auth_method = TokenAuthentication(new_token) def project_create( self, repo: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "GithubProject": if namespace: try: owner = self.github.get_organization(namespace) except UnknownObjectException as ex: raise GithubAPIException(f"Group {namespace} not found.") from ex else: owner = self.github.get_user() try: new_repo = owner.create_repo( name=repo, description=description if description else github.GithubObject.NotSet, ) except github.GithubException as ex: raise GithubAPIException("Project creation failed") from ex return GithubProject( repo=repo, namespace=namespace or owner.login, service=self, github_repo=new_repo, ) def get_pygithub_instance(self, namespace: str, repo: str) -> PyGithubInstance: token = self.authentication.get_token(namespace, repo) return PyGithubInstance(login_or_token=token, retry=self._max_retries) def list_projects( self, namespace: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, search_pattern: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, ) -> list[GitProject]: search_query = "" if user: search_query += f"user:{user}" if language: search_query += f" language:{language}" projects: list[GitProject] projects = [ GithubProject(, namespace=repo.owner.login, github_repo=repo, service=self, ) for repo in self.github.search_repositories(search_query, order="asc") ] if search_pattern: projects = [ project for project in projects if, project.repo) ] return projects
- URL of the git forge instance.
If multiple authentication methods are provided, they are prioritised: 1. Tokman 2. GithubApp 3. TokenAuthentication (which is also default one, that works without specified token)
Class variables
var github_class : type[github.MainClass.Github]
var instance_url : str | None
Instance variables
prop authentication
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@property def authentication(self): return self._other_auth_method or self._default_auth_method
prop github
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@property def github(self): return self.authentication.pygithub_instance
def get_project_from_github_repository(self, github_repo: github.Repository.Repository) ‑> GithubProject
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def get_project_from_github_repository( self, github_repo: PyGithubRepository.Repository, ) -> "GithubProject": return GithubProject(, namespace=github_repo.owner.login, github_repo=github_repo, service=self, read_only=self.read_only, )
def get_pygithub_instance(self, namespace: str, repo: str) ‑> github.MainClass.Github
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def get_pygithub_instance(self, namespace: str, repo: str) -> PyGithubInstance: token = self.authentication.get_token(namespace, repo) return PyGithubInstance(login_or_token=token, retry=self._max_retries)
Inherited members
class GitlabService (token=None, instance_url=None, ssl_verify=True, **kwargs)
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@use_for_service("gitlab") # anything containing a gitlab word in hostname # + list of community-hosted instances based on the following list # @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") class GitlabService(BaseGitService): name = "gitlab" def __init__(self, token=None, instance_url=None, ssl_verify=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(token=token) self.instance_url = instance_url or "" self.token = token self.ssl_verify = ssl_verify self._gitlab_instance = None if kwargs: logger.warning(f"Ignored keyword arguments: {kwargs}") @property def gitlab_instance(self) -> gitlab.Gitlab: if not self._gitlab_instance: self._gitlab_instance = gitlab.Gitlab( url=self.instance_url, private_token=self.token, ssl_verify=self.ssl_verify, ) if self.token: self._gitlab_instance.auth() return self._gitlab_instance @property def user(self) -> GitUser: return GitlabUser(service=self) def __str__(self) -> str: token_str = ( f", token='{self.token[:1]}***{self.token[-1:]}'" if self.token else "" ) ssl_str = ", ssl_verify=False" if not self.ssl_verify else "" return ( f"GitlabService(instance_url='{self.instance_url}'" f"{token_str}" f"{ssl_str})" ) def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: if not issubclass(o.__class__, GitlabService): return False return ( self.token == o.token # type: ignore and self.instance_url == o.instance_url # type: ignore and self.ssl_verify == o.ssl_verify # type: ignore ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(str(self)) def get_project( self, repo=None, namespace=None, is_fork=False, **kwargs, ) -> "GitlabProject": if is_fork: namespace = self.user.get_username() return GitlabProject(repo=repo, namespace=namespace, service=self, **kwargs) def get_project_from_project_id(self, iid: int) -> "GitlabProject": gitlab_repo = self.gitlab_instance.projects.get(iid) return GitlabProject( repo=gitlab_repo.attributes["path"], namespace=gitlab_repo.attributes["namespace"]["full_path"], service=self, gitlab_repo=gitlab_repo, ) def change_token(self, new_token: str) -> None: self.token = new_token self._gitlab_instance = None def project_create( self, repo: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "GitlabProject": data = {"name": repo} if namespace: try: group = self.gitlab_instance.groups.get(namespace) except gitlab.GitlabGetError as ex: raise GitlabAPIException(f"Group {namespace} not found.") from ex data["namespace_id"] = if description: data["description"] = description try: new_project = self.gitlab_instance.projects.create(data) except gitlab.GitlabCreateError as ex: raise GitlabAPIException("Project already exists") from ex return GitlabProject( repo=repo, namespace=namespace, service=self, gitlab_repo=new_project, ) def list_projects( self, namespace: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, search_pattern: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, ) -> list[GitProject]: if namespace: group = self.gitlab_instance.groups.get(namespace) projects = group.projects.list(all=True) elif user: user_object = self.gitlab_instance.users.list(username=user)[0] projects = user_object.projects.list(all=True) else: raise OperationNotSupported if language: # group.projects.list gives us a GroupProject instance # in order to be able to filter by language we need Project instance projects_to_convert = [ self.gitlab_instance.projects.get(item.attributes["id"]) for item in projects if language in self.gitlab_instance.projects.get(item.attributes["id"]).languages() ] else: projects_to_convert = projects return [ GitlabProject( repo=project.attributes["path"], namespace=project.attributes["namespace"]["full_path"], service=self, ) for project in projects_to_convert ]
- URL of the git forge instance.
Class variables
var name
Instance variables
prop gitlab_instance : gitlab.client.Gitlab
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@property def gitlab_instance(self) -> gitlab.Gitlab: if not self._gitlab_instance: self._gitlab_instance = gitlab.Gitlab( url=self.instance_url, private_token=self.token, ssl_verify=self.ssl_verify, ) if self.token: self._gitlab_instance.auth() return self._gitlab_instance
def get_project_from_project_id(self, iid: int) ‑> GitlabProject
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def get_project_from_project_id(self, iid: int) -> "GitlabProject": gitlab_repo = self.gitlab_instance.projects.get(iid) return GitlabProject( repo=gitlab_repo.attributes["path"], namespace=gitlab_repo.attributes["namespace"]["full_path"], service=self, gitlab_repo=gitlab_repo, )
Inherited members
class PagureService (token: str | None = None,
instance_url: str = '',
read_only: bool = False,
insecure: bool = False,
max_retries: int | urllib3.util.retry.Retry = 5,
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@use_for_service("pagure") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") @use_for_service("") class PagureService(BaseGitService): def __init__( self, token: Optional[str] = None, instance_url: str = "", read_only: bool = False, insecure: bool = False, max_retries: Union[int, urllib3.util.Retry] = 5, **kwargs, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.instance_url = instance_url self._token = token self.read_only = read_only self.session = requests.session() adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=max_retries) self.insecure = insecure if self.insecure: self.session.mount("http://", adapter) else: self.session.mount("https://", adapter) self.header = {"Authorization": "token " + self._token} if self._token else {} if kwargs: logger.warning(f"Ignored keyword arguments: {kwargs}") def __str__(self) -> str: token_str = ( f", token='{self._token[:1]}***{self._token[-1:]}'" if self._token else "" ) insecure_str = ", insecure=True" if self.insecure else "" readonly_str = ", read_only=True" if self.read_only else "" return ( f"PagureService(instance_url='{self.instance_url}'" f"{token_str}" f"{readonly_str}" f"{insecure_str})" ) def __eq__(self, o: object) -> bool: if not issubclass(o.__class__, PagureService): return False return ( self._token == o._token # type: ignore and self.read_only == o.read_only # type: ignore and self.instance_url == o.instance_url # type: ignore and self.insecure == o.insecure # type: ignore and self.header == o.header # type: ignore ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(str(self)) def get_project(self, **kwargs) -> "PagureProject": if "username" in kwargs: return PagureProject(service=self, **kwargs) return PagureProject( service=self, username=self.user.get_username(), **kwargs, ) def get_project_from_url(self, url: str) -> "PagureProject": repo_url = parse_git_repo(potential_url=url) if not repo_url: raise OgrException(f"Cannot parse project url: '{url}'") if not repo_url.is_fork: repo_url.username = None return self.get_project( repo=repo_url.repo, namespace=repo_url.namespace, is_fork=repo_url.is_fork, username=repo_url.username, ) @property def user(self) -> "PagureUser": return PagureUser(service=self) def call_api( self, url: str, method: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, data=None, ) -> dict: """ Call API endpoint. Args: url: URL to be called. method: Method of the HTTP request, e.g. `"GET"`, `"POST"`, etc. params: HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary. data: Data to be sent in form of a dictionary. Returns: Dictionary representing response. Raises: PagureAPIException, if error occurs. """ response = self.call_api_raw(url=url, method=method, params=params, data=data) if response.status_code == 404: error_msg = ( response.json_content["error"] if response.json_content and "error" in response.json_content else None ) raise PagureAPIException( f"Page '{url}' not found when calling Pagure API.", pagure_error=error_msg, response_code=response.status_code, ) if not response.json_content: logger.debug(response.content) raise PagureAPIException( "Error while decoding JSON: {0}", response_code=response.status_code, ) if not response.ok: logger.error(response.json_content) if "error" in response.json_content: error_msg = response.json_content["error"] error_msg_ext = response.json_content.get("errors", "") msg = f"Pagure API returned an error when calling '{url}': {error_msg}" if error_msg_ext: msg += f" - {error_msg_ext}" raise PagureAPIException( msg, pagure_error=error_msg, pagure_response=response.json_content, response_code=response.status_code, ) raise PagureAPIException( f"Problem with Pagure API when calling '{url}'", response_code=response.status_code, ) return response.json_content def call_api_raw( self, url: str, method: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, data=None, ): """ Call API endpoint and returns raw response. Args: url: URL to be called. method: Method of the HTTP request, e.g. `"GET"`, `"POST"`, etc. params: HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary. data: Data to be sent in form of a dictionary. Returns: `RequestResponse` object that represents the response from the API endpoint. """ method = method or "GET" try: response = self.get_raw_request( method=method, url=url, params=params, data=data, ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as er: logger.error(er) raise OgrNetworkError(f"Cannot connect to url: '{url}'.") from er if response.status_code >= 500: raise GitForgeInternalError( f"Pagure API returned {response.status_code} status for `{url}`" f" with reason: `{response.reason}`", ) return response def get_raw_request( self, url, method="GET", params=None, data=None, header=None, ) -> RequestResponse: """ Call API endpoint and wrap the response in `RequestResponse` type. Args: url: URL to be called. method: Method of the HTTP request, e.g. `"GET"`, `"POST"`, etc. Defaults to `"GET"`. params: HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary. data: Data to be sent in form of a dictionary. header: Header of the HTTP request. Returns: `RequestResponse` object representing the response. Raises: ValueError, if JSON cannot be retrieved. """ response = self.session.request( method=method, url=url, params=params, headers=header or self.header, data=data, verify=not self.insecure, ) json_output = None try: json_output = response.json() except ValueError: logger.debug(response.text) return RequestResponse( status_code=response.status_code, ok=response.ok, content=response.content, json=json_output, reason=response.reason, ) @property def api_url(self): """URL to the Pagure API.""" return f"{self.instance_url}/api/0/" def get_api_url(self, *args, add_api_endpoint_part: bool = True) -> str: """ Get a URL from its parts. Args: *args: String parts of the URL, e.g. `"a", "b"` will call `project/a/b` add_api_endpoint_part: Add part with API endpoint (`/api/0/`). Defaults to `True`. Returns: String """ args_list: list[str] = [] args_list += filter(lambda x: x is not None, args) if add_api_endpoint_part: return self.api_url + "/".join(args_list) return f"{self.instance_url}/" + "/".join(args_list) def get_api_version(self) -> str: """ Returns: Version of the Pagure API. """ request_url = self.get_api_url("version") return_value = self.call_api(request_url) return return_value["version"] def get_error_codes(self): """ Returns: Dictionary with all error codes. """ request_url = self.get_api_url("error_codes") return self.call_api(request_url) def change_token(self, token: str): self._token = token self.header = {"Authorization": "token " + self._token} def __handle_project_create_fail( self, exception: PagureAPIException, namespace: str, ) -> None: if ( exception.pagure_response and exception.pagure_response["errors"]["namespace"][0] == "Not a valid choice" ): request_url = self.get_api_url("group", namespace) try: self.call_api(request_url, data={"projects": False}) except PagureAPIException as ex: raise OgrException(f"Namespace doesn't exist ({namespace}).") from ex raise OgrException( "Cannot create project in given namespace (permissions).", ) raise exception def project_create( self, repo: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> PagureProject: request_url = self.get_api_url("new") parameters = {"name": repo, "description": description, "wait": True} if not description: parameters["description"] = repo if namespace: parameters["namespace"] = namespace try: self.call_api(request_url, "POST", data=parameters) except PagureAPIException as ex: self.__handle_project_create_fail(ex, namespace) return PagureProject(repo=repo, namespace=namespace, service=self) def list_projects( self, namespace: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, search_pattern: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, ) -> list[GitProject]: raise OperationNotSupported def get_group(self, group_name: str) -> PagureGroup: """ Get a Pagure group by name. """ url = self.get_api_url("group", group_name) return PagureGroup(group_name, self.call_api(url))
- URL of the git forge instance.
Instance variables
prop api_url
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@property def api_url(self): """URL to the Pagure API.""" return f"{self.instance_url}/api/0/"
URL to the Pagure API.
def call_api(self, url: str, method: str | None = None, params: dict | None = None, data=None) ‑> dict
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def call_api( self, url: str, method: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, data=None, ) -> dict: """ Call API endpoint. Args: url: URL to be called. method: Method of the HTTP request, e.g. `"GET"`, `"POST"`, etc. params: HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary. data: Data to be sent in form of a dictionary. Returns: Dictionary representing response. Raises: PagureAPIException, if error occurs. """ response = self.call_api_raw(url=url, method=method, params=params, data=data) if response.status_code == 404: error_msg = ( response.json_content["error"] if response.json_content and "error" in response.json_content else None ) raise PagureAPIException( f"Page '{url}' not found when calling Pagure API.", pagure_error=error_msg, response_code=response.status_code, ) if not response.json_content: logger.debug(response.content) raise PagureAPIException( "Error while decoding JSON: {0}", response_code=response.status_code, ) if not response.ok: logger.error(response.json_content) if "error" in response.json_content: error_msg = response.json_content["error"] error_msg_ext = response.json_content.get("errors", "") msg = f"Pagure API returned an error when calling '{url}': {error_msg}" if error_msg_ext: msg += f" - {error_msg_ext}" raise PagureAPIException( msg, pagure_error=error_msg, pagure_response=response.json_content, response_code=response.status_code, ) raise PagureAPIException( f"Problem with Pagure API when calling '{url}'", response_code=response.status_code, ) return response.json_content
Call API endpoint.
- URL to be called.
- Method of the HTTP request, e.g.
, etc. params
- HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary.
- Data to be sent in form of a dictionary.
Dictionary representing response.
PagureAPIException, if error occurs.
def call_api_raw(self, url: str, method: str | None = None, params: dict | None = None, data=None)
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def call_api_raw( self, url: str, method: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, data=None, ): """ Call API endpoint and returns raw response. Args: url: URL to be called. method: Method of the HTTP request, e.g. `"GET"`, `"POST"`, etc. params: HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary. data: Data to be sent in form of a dictionary. Returns: `RequestResponse` object that represents the response from the API endpoint. """ method = method or "GET" try: response = self.get_raw_request( method=method, url=url, params=params, data=data, ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as er: logger.error(er) raise OgrNetworkError(f"Cannot connect to url: '{url}'.") from er if response.status_code >= 500: raise GitForgeInternalError( f"Pagure API returned {response.status_code} status for `{url}`" f" with reason: `{response.reason}`", ) return response
Call API endpoint and returns raw response.
- URL to be called.
- Method of the HTTP request, e.g.
, etc. params
- HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary.
- Data to be sent in form of a dictionary.
object that represents the response from the API endpoint. def get_api_url(self, *args, add_api_endpoint_part: bool = True) ‑> str
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def get_api_url(self, *args, add_api_endpoint_part: bool = True) -> str: """ Get a URL from its parts. Args: *args: String parts of the URL, e.g. `"a", "b"` will call `project/a/b` add_api_endpoint_part: Add part with API endpoint (`/api/0/`). Defaults to `True`. Returns: String """ args_list: list[str] = [] args_list += filter(lambda x: x is not None, args) if add_api_endpoint_part: return self.api_url + "/".join(args_list) return f"{self.instance_url}/" + "/".join(args_list)
Get a URL from its parts.
- String parts of the URL, e.g.
"a", "b"
will callproject/a/b
Add part with API endpoint (
).Defaults to
def get_api_version(self) ‑> str
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def get_api_version(self) -> str: """ Returns: Version of the Pagure API. """ request_url = self.get_api_url("version") return_value = self.call_api(request_url) return return_value["version"]
Version of the Pagure API.
def get_error_codes(self)
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def get_error_codes(self): """ Returns: Dictionary with all error codes. """ request_url = self.get_api_url("error_codes") return self.call_api(request_url)
Dictionary with all error codes.
def get_group(self, group_name: str) ‑> PagureGroup
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def get_group(self, group_name: str) -> PagureGroup: """ Get a Pagure group by name. """ url = self.get_api_url("group", group_name) return PagureGroup(group_name, self.call_api(url))
Get a Pagure group by name.
def get_raw_request(self, url, method='GET', params=None, data=None, header=None) ‑> RequestResponse
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def get_raw_request( self, url, method="GET", params=None, data=None, header=None, ) -> RequestResponse: """ Call API endpoint and wrap the response in `RequestResponse` type. Args: url: URL to be called. method: Method of the HTTP request, e.g. `"GET"`, `"POST"`, etc. Defaults to `"GET"`. params: HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary. data: Data to be sent in form of a dictionary. header: Header of the HTTP request. Returns: `RequestResponse` object representing the response. Raises: ValueError, if JSON cannot be retrieved. """ response = self.session.request( method=method, url=url, params=params, headers=header or self.header, data=data, verify=not self.insecure, ) json_output = None try: json_output = response.json() except ValueError: logger.debug(response.text) return RequestResponse( status_code=response.status_code, ok=response.ok, content=response.content, json=json_output, reason=response.reason, )
Call API endpoint and wrap the response in
- URL to be called.
Method of the HTTP request, e.g.
, etc.Defaults to
. params
- HTTP(S) query parameters in form of a dictionary.
- Data to be sent in form of a dictionary.
- Header of the HTTP request.
object representing the response.Raises
ValueError, if JSON cannot be retrieved.
Inherited members